Portal Glossary


The city in which the institution resides. 


Country where the institution resides. 

Current Enrollment Total 

The total enrollment number (all students regardless of student status).

Current Enrollment Year 

The year the current enrollment total is effective.

Defunct on Year 

The year the institution stopped existing.

Degree Type 

Higher Education 


Programs requiring at least 2 years but less than 4 years of full-time equivalent college level work, including associate’s degrees and programs that can be completed in at least 1,800 but less than 3,600 clock hours to obtain a degree, diploma, certificate, or other recognized postsecondary credential.

4-year and Above 

A postsecondary institution that offers programs of at least 4 years duration or one that offers programs at or above the baccalaureate level. Includes schools that offer postbaccalaureate certificates only or those that offer graduate programs only. Also includes free-standing medical, law or other first-professional schools. 

Administrative Unit

The system or central office in a multi-campus environment. 


CEGEP stands for Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel in French, which translates to “College of General and Vocational Education” in English. CEGEP is a unique educational institution found in the province of Quebec, Canada. It bridges the gap between secondary school (high school) and university or the workforce. CEGEP education typically spans two to three years, depending on the program. 

Further Education

Further education (FE) refers to education that occurs after the completion of compulsory or statutory education, which typically covers primary and secondary schooling. 

The specific structure and terminology of further education can vary between countries. In the United Kingdom, for example, further education is distinct from higher education and is often provided by further education colleges or sixth form colleges. In other countries, similar concepts might be covered by terms like vocational education, adult education, or community college education. 

Less than 2 years

A postsecondary institution that offers programs of less than 2-years duration below the baccalaureate level. Includes occupational and vocational schools with programs that do not exceed 1800 clock hours. 

Sixth Form College 

A Sixth Form College is an educational institution in the United Kingdom and some other countries that provides post-16 education, typically for students aged 16 to 18. The term “Sixth Form” itself refers to the final two years of secondary education, where students prepare for advanced-level qualifications, such as A-levels (Advanced Level General Certificate of Education). 

School District 

Alternative School District 

An alternative school district might have a range of programs or schools that offer alternative educational methods, flexible schedules, or targeted support services. These districts may aim to provide diverse educational options to cater to the individual needs of students.  

Charter School District 

Charter school districts are publicly funded schools that operate independently of traditional school districts and are granted more flexibility in terms of curriculum, teaching methods, and organizational structure. 

School District 

A school district is a geographical administrative area within which a local government or an elected school board oversees public education. The purpose of a school district is to manage and operate public schools within its boundaries. The structure, organization, and responsibilities of school districts can vary between countries and regions. 

Separate School District 

In Canada, a separate school is a type of school that has constitutional status in three provinces (Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan) and statutory status in the three territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut).

The constitutionally provided mandate of a separate school jurisdiction and of a separate school is to provide education in a school setting that the separate school board considers reflective of Roman Catholic (or, rarely, Protestant) theology, doctrine, and practices.


The institution’s short description. 

Institution Merger

True, if the institution is the result of a merger. 

Institution Type 


An educational institution controlled by a private individual(s) or by a nongovernmental agency, usually supported primarily by other than public funds, and operated by other than publicly elected or appointed officials. These institutions may be either for-profit or not-for-profit. 

Private For-Profit

A private institution in which the individual(s) or agency in control receives compensation other than wages, rent, or other expenses for the assumption of risk. 

Private Not-For-Profit 

A private institution in which the individual(s) or agency in control receives no compensation, other than wages, rent, or other expenses for the assumption of risk. These include both independent not-for-profit schools and those affiliated with a religious organization.


An educational institution whose programs and activities are usually operated by publicly elected or appointed school officials, and which is supported primarily by public funds. 

Parent Institution

An institution that reports some or all data for another institution, known as the child institution.


Region where the institution resides – state in U.S.A.; province or territory in Canada; counties in the United Kingdom; etc. 

Report Under Parent 

True, if the institution in question does not compute its own enrollment.

Statewide System 

A grouping of institutions who are administratively linked together.


The institution’s governmental ID – in U.S.A. = IPEDS or NCES; in U.K. = UKPRN; etc. 


The institution’s main URL. 

Year Founded 

The year the institution was founded.